Hosted commercial email services also use cloud connectivity to provide add-on services primarily needed by enterprise-employed users. It has become a way to automate our lives. Since its founding in 1971, Email is quietly migrating to many aspects of our daily lives, such as automatic notifications for medical and car inspections, home security monitoring, and company collaboration. Daily work for more than a generation.Įmail was a simple system for sending messages over the Internet instead of email. Starting with AOL, Yahoo, and Microsoft’s Hotmail in the mid-’90s, to date, Google’s Gmail, Microsoft’s Outlook, and many others have been listed, and free cloud-based email has been the mainstream. It’s a very valuable service, especially for businesses. Instead, it won’t disappear for a long time. Don’t believe anyone who says their email is dead or dying. Next to social networks and text messages, email-about 293 billion sent per day-The most used cloud service in the world.